photo2MINEX Eurasia Conference 2017 organisers are inviting Mining Media and Mining Associations to submit partnership proposals before 1 October 2017.

For further information about becoming partner please read terms and contact Ms Anastasia Emelianova, MINEX Forum Events Director

Tel: + 44 (0) 207 520 9341
Fax: + 44 (0) 207 520 9342

Propose partnership

Partnership terms


● Complimentary admission of one member of staff representing partner at the Conference.
● Opportunity for distribution of the partner’s printed materials.
● Partner’s advertising page in the Conference catalogue – in exchange for the Forum’s advertisement placement in the partner’s printed (i.e. not electronic format) media.
● Partner’s logo and short company description on the Conference website.
● Complimentary access to the Conference materials (including presentations and photographs) published on-line after the event.
● Members of professional associations which formally endorse the forum, will be offered 10% discount off standard delegate registration fee


● Place one/several* MINEX advertisements in the printed media prior to the forum.
● Place forum’s promotional web banner on partner’s website (from the agreement date until 14 November 2017).
● Enter Conference details in the partner’s events calendar.
● Send two/three* electronic event announcements to the subscribers prior to the Conference.
● Publish Conference report or editorial in the partner’s printed or on-line media.

1. All travel, visa and accommodation expenses shall be borne by the partner.
2. Partner will be assigned an individual space or table for the distribution of the printed materials at the Conference venue.
3. Logos and advertisements must be provided by partner in vector curves in EPS/Illustrator/Corel formats; all fonts must be converted into curves.
4. Link to partner’s website and short 100 words description must be provided by partner.
5. **We regret that we are not able to provide delegate lists or send mass e-mails on behalf of partners to the Forum participants. However, partners are welcome to send us additional promotional materials which can be included in the Forum’s post event report (containing speaker presentations, interviews, pictures, delegate lists, etc.) The report is published two weeks after the forum on the home webpage and is very popular and frequently read by the MINEX Forum participants.

BECOMING MEDIA PARTNER: *- terms may vary depending on the level of media support provided